programming your mind
There are plenty of ways of making your fortune. The key is to love what you’re doing and to have faith in yourself, and if you’re an adult with some years of experience, the first step to take is to re-wire the patterns of your subconscious mind so that you free yourself up to succeed. The world is one of unending abundance. It’s time to wake up to your boundless wealth!
Your mind is amazing. Every second it is bombarded with over two million pieces of information; two million stimuli that stream through it, second after second after second, all through your life!
To make sense of all those bits and bobs of detail that flood to you from the world around you, your brain filters out most of them, ending up with about 130 pieces of information that it retains and digests. In computer-speak that’s about 130 “bytes” per second. You and your brain are like a well-oiled, finely tuned computer and the fun thing is that there are plenty of programmes inside you that are as yet unused…
What is it that filters out all but 130 of the two million pieces of information that you receive each second? What acts as the spam-filter sending most of the cosmic emails to the recycling bin so that you never get to read them? The answer is: your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is extremely powerful. It filters out what it says you do not need and it categorises the rest into lists of priorities, making sure you pay attention to the ones at the top of the list first. This is all well and good, so long as your subconscious is governed by you, so long as it is following your instructions. But if you don’t monitor and train your subconscious mind, other people will, and that’s where the problems begin.
The single biggest reason for people not achieving what they want to achieve, or not even embarking on the journey of life with the enthusiasm, passion and spirit with which they are born, is that they allow their subconscious fears to hold them back.