10 unusual things to watch in 2013
Drones for all and the death of voicemail among big predictions for 2013
VOICEMAIL will fade away next year because nobody can be bothered listening, faux meat will become a food of choice and imperfection will be the new perfect as consumers turn away from genetically improved produce.
At least that is the view of marketing communications brand JWT which today released its annual list of 100 things to watch in 2013.
The list identifies some broader trends for the coming year, such as the growth in "appcessories and objects with attitude" with everyday objects increasingly have a technology element to them.
JWT says Amazon will continue to spread its tentacles across new market sectors and could surpass Walmart as the world’s biggest retailer by 2017.
Trying to remember our ever growing list of passwords could soon be a thing of the past, with biometric authentication starting to take off. JWT says some banks are working on fingertip analysis to replace PINs while smartphones will be able to recognise our faces and touch.
Drones, once just used by the military, are set to become more of a consumer device with experts tipping a new wave of high tech toys for backyard adventurers.
Drones, once the tool of the military, are increasingly becoming a consumer device. Brace yourself for a wave of new tech toys, fitted with cameras, that backyard adventurers will launch on unmanned missions.
There is good news for those frustrated with the sometimes clueless Siri on their iPhone. Researchers in Egypt, Britain and America are working on teaching computers to read human emotions.
Those of us who struggle to look like a supermodel when they jump out of bed might be able to relax a bit at last.
The report says consumers will be seeking out "authenticity" and imperfection, from buying lumpy looking carrots to using digital techniques to see what the latest fashion looks like on themselves rather than on a catwalk model who looks like she could do with a good feed.
One of the predictions most likely to put a smile of most faces is the tip that voicemail is on the way out, going the way of the answering machine or pager.
“Checking or leaving messages is coming to feel like a chore, especially for younger people, who have little patience for wading through lengthy menu options when they could text or email much faster,” the report says.
You can expect your technology to be wearable and flexible, with bendable screens on the way in.
On the way out, however, is hand writing which “will be just as inscrutable as hieroglyphics to digital age consumer”.
10 unusual things to watch in 2013
1. Bee venom therapy, an age-old technique of stinging patients suffering from joint pain, will become flavour of the month. Bee venom is also tipped to be the new facial.
2. Many women will think the last thing we need is a more male-focussed world, but that’s on the cards. Market researchers are acknowledging men are increasingly having a stay-at-home role and ads for cooking and cleaning will finally switch with a “man up, clean up” message.
3. Super spam is on the way, and no we don’t mean dodgy mail messages. Meat substitutes are taking off, with the launch this year of a fake chicken product that’s so good it fooled some experts. Apparently it tasted just like chicken.
4. If driving to the gym is starting to feel illogical to you, the good news is that fitness is getting back to basics with the MovNat philosophy. You work out by climbing trees, balancing on rocks and even picking up heavy luggage or your kids.
5. While Barbie doesn’t look like disappearing any time soon, toys will increasingly become gender neutral, with Harrods, Swedish toy company Leklust and Hasbro leading the way.
6. Send now, delete straight away. Snapchat, a photo exchange app that deletes images soon after they’re viewed, is just a sign of things to come. Text messages that disappear are also set to be big.
7. If you feel like you can’t keep up with the constant stream of information, just don’t worry about it. Instead, join the growing number of folk who subscribe to JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out.
8. Social media will extend from a way of keeping touch with people to a way of keeping touch with things. Toyota Friend, launched this year, is a social network where people “friend” their car to check its status.
9. With new tools comes new rules. Privacy etiquette will evolve so that you can expect to see social media rules for weddings and baby showers.
10. Travel is changing with more people lured by set-jetting (choosing a holiday location based on the movies and TV shows filmed there) and fashion fetishes, with luxury hotels opening in shopping malls.