She publicly mocked him at the Grammy Awards, and wrote a scathing song about their brief romance, but now Taylor Swift has dished the dirt on her failed relationship with Harry Styles.
The 23-year-old singer shared her experience in a new interview, and said she couldn't trust the One Direction star after he kissed another girl in the early stages of their romance.
And even when 'he wore her down' and Taylor gave him a second chance, she 'felt like he was looking at every girl.'

The American singer admitted she was left insecure by his flirty behaviour even after he had invited her to London so they could spend some time together.
And Harry's notorious partying allegedly proved too much for Taylor, as he ‘disappeared one night and after that it was like he just didn’t want to keep going.’
One unhappy trip to the Caribbean later and their fledgling romance failed to last more than a few days into the New Year.
According to the magazine, in the beginning '[Harry] was all, like, ‘You’re amazing - I want to be with you. I want to do this.’
But soon enough, Taylor supposedly received a text from the 19-year old, informing her of a photo that showed him kissing a friend goodbye.

However, it seemed the kiss was more passionate than friendly, with one of Taylor's friends describing it more heatedly: ‘[They were] making out like with their hands all up in each other’s hair.’
She swiftly ended their romance, but according to the source Harry spent the best part of a year trying to win Taylor's affections back, and eventually she gave in.
But like most couples reuniting after a betrayal, the trust seemed to be gone.
In response to Swift’s source’s claims claims, Harry's representatives have said they are all 'undeniably false.'
Although Taylor has been linked to a number of suitors over the last few years - including Patrick Schwarzenegger and more recently Ed Sheeran - Taylor claims that 'since 2010 I have dated exactly two people', those being Harry and Conor Kennedy.
But according to a close friend, her romance with Robert F. Kennedy's 17-year old grandson was ‘just like a two-month thing,’ and unlike her feelings towards the English singer, Swift says Conor 'was awesome.’
However, it seems age is the issue in her 'pendulum-like' relationships, with the singer feeling like she was constantly 'swinging back and forth.'
‘She dated Jake [Gyllenhaal] and John [Mayer] when she was really young and they were in their 30s, and she got really hurt. So it was like "That hurt - this won’t. But then it did."' Her friend shared with the magazine.

Taylor also took the opportunity to talk about her song-writing, and the criticism she feels she gets for using her love life for material:
'For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her, I think that’s taking something that potentially should be celebrated - a woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way - that’s taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist.'
The 23-year-old singer shared her experience in a new interview, and said she couldn't trust the One Direction star after he kissed another girl in the early stages of their romance.
And even when 'he wore her down' and Taylor gave him a second chance, she 'felt like he was looking at every girl.'

The American singer admitted she was left insecure by his flirty behaviour even after he had invited her to London so they could spend some time together.
And Harry's notorious partying allegedly proved too much for Taylor, as he ‘disappeared one night and after that it was like he just didn’t want to keep going.’
One unhappy trip to the Caribbean later and their fledgling romance failed to last more than a few days into the New Year.
According to the magazine, in the beginning '[Harry] was all, like, ‘You’re amazing - I want to be with you. I want to do this.’
But soon enough, Taylor supposedly received a text from the 19-year old, informing her of a photo that showed him kissing a friend goodbye.

However, it seemed the kiss was more passionate than friendly, with one of Taylor's friends describing it more heatedly: ‘[They were] making out like with their hands all up in each other’s hair.’
She swiftly ended their romance, but according to the source Harry spent the best part of a year trying to win Taylor's affections back, and eventually she gave in.
But like most couples reuniting after a betrayal, the trust seemed to be gone.
In response to Swift’s source’s claims claims, Harry's representatives have said they are all 'undeniably false.'
Although Taylor has been linked to a number of suitors over the last few years - including Patrick Schwarzenegger and more recently Ed Sheeran - Taylor claims that 'since 2010 I have dated exactly two people', those being Harry and Conor Kennedy.
But according to a close friend, her romance with Robert F. Kennedy's 17-year old grandson was ‘just like a two-month thing,’ and unlike her feelings towards the English singer, Swift says Conor 'was awesome.’
However, it seems age is the issue in her 'pendulum-like' relationships, with the singer feeling like she was constantly 'swinging back and forth.'
‘She dated Jake [Gyllenhaal] and John [Mayer] when she was really young and they were in their 30s, and she got really hurt. So it was like "That hurt - this won’t. But then it did."' Her friend shared with the magazine.

Taylor also took the opportunity to talk about her song-writing, and the criticism she feels she gets for using her love life for material:
'For a female to write about her feelings, and then be portrayed as some clingy, insane, desperate girlfriend in need of making you marry her and have kids with her, I think that’s taking something that potentially should be celebrated - a woman writing about her feelings in a confessional way - that’s taking it and turning it and twisting it into something that is frankly a little sexist.'