Chinese Businessman Paid $3.5 MILLION . . . To Have ROMANTIC RELATIONS . . . With Actress Meagan FOX!!!
September 5, 2016: A Chinese businessman claims he paid an agency a total of $3.7 million to have sex with Megan Fox, Victoria’s Secret model Candice Swanepoel and Independence Day actress Angelababy.
Yu ‘Martin’ Xu is now suing the Sydney-based agency Royal Court Escort, after he claims that the Agency hustled him out of the money. Mr. Yu never got to even MEET any of the women he reportedly paid for.
In China, it is a little known secret, that wealthy businessmen pay MILLIONS to sleep with Chinese celebrities. Mr Yu tried to go INTERNATIONAL with his tricking, and ended up getting finesssed.
According to court documents, the agency told Mr Yu that it would provide ‘female escorts of international standing for the provision of s*xual services’.
To access the services Mr Yu paid the agency a $24,000 ‘joining fee’, then another $500,000 on August 13, 2014, another $500,000 payment two days later, with two more payments totaling $2.5 million on August 19, court documents said.
None of the actresses/models that Royal Court Escort allegedly claimed to be able to provide, are believed to have EVER worked as escorts.