WhatsApp is now Facebook’s second-biggest property, followed by Messenger and Instagram

Facebook and WhatsApp boasted record usership — 2.13 billion and 1.5 billion monthly active users, respectively — according to Facebook’s fourth-quarter earnings yesterday. That’s despite a small decline in the number of users in the U.S. and Canada.

WhatsApp is now bigger than Messenger, its rival/sibling messaging app. It’s also far bigger than Instagram. Facebook’s namesake app, of course, remains, on top.

In September, Messenger passed 1.3 billion monthly active users. That same month, Instagram reached 800 million monthly active users and 500 million who use it every day. Facebook didn’t release new numbers for Messenger or Instagram. For context, Snapchat, which Instagram Stories pillaged, had 178 million as of its third-quarter earnings report.

Here’s how Facebook apps compare to each other as far as monthly active users.

culled from recode
