Google Says No to Retail Stores. How About Community Centers?
Forbes’ Clem Chambers thinks the “Google borg” has, unlike Facebook, a successful growth strategy, i.e., sucking the lifeblood (i.e., IP) of dying traditional media. Haydn Shaughnessy, also on these pages, calls it the “smartest comment ever” about these titans fighting for world (i.e., Web) domination.
The rumors that the borg was going to open outposts in a mall near you were squashed yesterday by its mobile chief, Andy Rubin. According to Ina Fried at All Things D, Rubin told reporters at the Mobile World Congress that Google doesn’t need its own retail effort. Still, as a (disappointed?) Engadget has noted, “the reason, however, isn’t to do with the ageing model of retail, or a well pinned map of consumer behaviour patterns, with Rubin merely stating that he didn’t think the Nexus line is quite at the stage that would warrant a store of its own.” Hope springs eternal.
But why even consider brick-and-mortar retail in the first place? Because Apple has twice the sales per square foot of any other retailer in the U.S.? Or because, as many enthusiastic commentators noted (e.g., “Why Google should open retail stores”), that’s the only way for Google to have the unwashed masses try on and fall in love with a revolutionary product such as Google Glass?
A me-too strategy is not what keeps a dominant player dominant, in any market (and Google+ was never meant to be, I believe, a sheer imitation of Facebook). And Amazon has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you don’t need to have a physical retail presence to successfully sell a vast array of consumer products.
The idea of physical presence, however, has its merits, even in this Web-dominated world. In this global village, the village we live in is still where we spend most of our lives, working, playing, socializing, volunteering, even shopping. It’s where small businesses thrive and local cultural and educational organizations make their mark. In a mobile and digitally “social” world, local is a stable anchor for many people.
So Google should open community centers rather than retail stores. They will allow it to offer classes and training (for both consumers and small businesses), display its devices and test in-development gadgets, provide a lab-like environment for startups, and a networking platform for local businesses. Yes, it will even provide a ready-made market research tool, to collect even more data on our desires and dreams so it can provide better services. The future proliferation of Google’s “fiberhoods” will be a great add-on and amplifier to Google Community Centers.
Besides, Google’s investment in local communities will go a long way towards diminishing the borg image.
And if not Google, Amazon may think it’s time to make a physical connection, community center-style.